Anand Rathi Wealth Limited, a newly listed company has, since 2002, been in the business of Private Wealth, catering to high net worth individuals (HNIs). We are also registered with AMFI as a Mutual Fund Distributor overseeing AUM of over INR 55,057 crores of assets under management across 9,641, families in India and globally (September 30, 2023). We have over 322 Relationship Managers operating from 15 locations – Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, Noida, Rajasthan, Pune, Vizag and Dubai. The company conducted campus recruitment drive on 14th march 2024. 30+ eligible students participated into the drive out of which 2 offered. Congatulations !
- Saumya Negi
- Shreya Jindal